Are Escape Rooms Better In Couples or Larger Groups? 

There’s no one ultimate way to play an escape room. Taking on a series of puzzles with one other person or multiple people will offer the same challenge and fun, and you won’t miss out on anything by choosing one way over the other. 

That said, playing with just another person is a different experience from playing with a larger group so that you may prefer one way over the other, depending on your desired playstyle. 

Here’s a look at how playing in a group or a pair alters the experience and what to expect for each choice when you take on an escape room. 

What to Expect as a Group

When you take on an escape room in a group, the main focus is on fun, high energy, and potential chaos. With a group, there will be many more minds all thinking creatively to try and figure out the puzzle, creating a playful atmosphere. Communication may be more challenging, as there will be more people to share ideas with a talk over, but that adds to the charm and shared experience, as you all will have to learn to come together to beat the challenge. 

The Benefits 

There are many great benefits to doing an escape room in a group. The main one is that with more people, you’ll have more brainpower to work out the puzzles, making it more likely that you’ll be able to figure everything out and escape. The more people there are, the higher the chance there will be at least one person with the knowledge or skillset to work something out. 

As well as that, many escape rooms require multiple people to work on different tasks at the same time. There are often two or more puzzles for you to work out simultaneously. This means that as a group, it’s easier to split up and give everyone a task to contribute to, making you more effective. 

You’ll also feel more accomplished once you complete an escape room in a large group. This is because you would have had to communicate and work together as a team to succeed, which isn’t always easy. 

Potential Drawbacks

When getting together to do an escape room, you must ensure that the game is at a suitable difficulty level for everyone. For example, if your team is split with experienced escape room players and people new to it, some may find it too difficult to contribute, while others may find it too easy and become bored.

Another drawback is that escape rooms as a group can be pretty chaotic. This is a desired feature for many, as it can make things more fun, but some may not appreciate the carnage and find it frustrating and tough to concentrate. If you think this might be you, taking on an escape room with fewer people may be the right option. 

What to Expect as a Couple

Taking on an escape room as a couple is naturally going to be a slower, calmer, and more cerebral experience compared to taking on an escape room as a group. Communication will be a lot easier as a pair, helping you be more considerate in your moves and ideas. 

The Benefits 

When working on an escape room as a duo, be that as a couple, a pair of friends, or siblings, you’ll benefit from having a close bond and understanding of each other. This familiarity with each other’s strengths and weaknesses can help you develop a better strategy to beat the challenge. 

Another benefit of doing an escape room in a pair is that both players will be more involved in the whole experience. In a group, it’s easy for some players to fall to the wayside and become spectators as other team members blast through challenges before these players can figure out what’s going on. You’ll have to figure out more puzzles independently as a pair, potentially enhancing the experience. 

Plus, when you do an escape room with just one more person, you’ll have more opportunities to bond and learn more about each other. Beating an escape room together, just like any different challenge, can strengthen your relationship and help you develop good communication skills that you can use in the future.

Potential Drawbacks

One of the most apparent issues when doing an escape room in a pair is that you’re much more likely to get stuck. With less brain power between two people, you may struggle more often and run into situations where both of you can’t work out the answer to a puzzle or the next step you need to take. 

This can lead to you being slower when working through the escape room and increases the risk of being unable to figure it all out before the time expires. That said, many game masters can offer hints and advice to point you in the right direction if you’re really stuck with what to do. 

Another thing to consider is that many escape rooms are designed to be more optimal for a larger group. In some escape rooms, some tasks are intended to be done in unison, which may not be possible if there are only two of you playing. Before signing up for an escape room as a couple, make sure that the theme and game you’re planning are suitable for two people. 

Fun Whichever Way You Play 

No matter how you try an escape room, you’re guaranteed a good time regardless of the number of people you play with. To keep escape rooms fresh and surprising, it’s always good to mix up who you play with and play in pairs and larger groups occasionally.  

Both methods of play will still help you create tighter bonds and communication skills with your partners, and you will be challenged no matter who you decide to play an escape room with. The optimal number of people to play with will depend on your own tastes and the type of experience you’re looking for.