Should An Escape Room Be Competitive?

Tick, tick, tick. As the minutes run away from you and your goal is just out of reach, adrenaline kicks in. Escape Rooms can have a profound way of bringing out your competitive edge. 

But, who are you up against?

Teammates need to pull together to dominate in an Escape Room, but, can you get competitive within an adventure?

Timing may be your biggest threat, and then, of course, there’s the hall of fame style leaderboard that often confronts you in the entrance hall. If competition is what you are after, it may not be as apparent as you think within an Escape Room. 

Let’s take a look at some of the ways Escape Rooms can bring out your competitive side.

The thrill of the chase

What makes a good Escape Room? Well, making you want to come back for more!

Quality games are the perfect hook for capturing avid players. Crafted with the player in mind, Escape Rooms are designed to make you get caught up in the adventure. 

With every discovery you make, and every stone left unturned, your interest is sparked. It’s a simple human reaction to something thrilling. Adrenaline pumping, your experience will leave you changed for years to come. 

Lost in Wonder

Escape Rooms not only challenge us, but they also make us reconnect with the wonder we felt as a child. Great Escape Rooms reignite that part of us brushed aside by adulthood.

Imaginative, fun and pushing the boundaries all add to our need to feel free in a world of chaos. Enter the Escape Room. Within its walls, you get to play the part of detective, explorer and get lost in the mystery. You are released to play a role if you want to. 

The simple human need to unravel a story is enough to captivate any player.

Emerge the Hero

Ego boosting and totally immersive, Escape Rooms can release your inner hero. While playing your senses are engaged, and your attention and focus reach levels you probably didn’t think possible. 

When you become so immersed within the experience, you can become consumed with the idea of winning. Nothing else matters but to defeat the room, and leave victorious. If you manage to find the flow of the game, you will be eager to find it over and over again!

Leave “Normal” at the Door

Part of an Escape Room’s lure is that you can leave everything that is going on in your life at the door. Your breakup, your stressful work situation or family baggage don’t matter in an Escape Room. All that matters is the game. 

Then there’s the fun kind of stress. Lurking within an Escape Room is a silent pressure waiting to ensnare you. Don’t worry though – it’s a good kind of pressure. It teaches you to care for your teammates and to be resilient in the face of adversity. 

Life doesn’t need to get in the way in an Escape Room. If anything, it’s an added distraction that will keep you away from successfully beating the room, and ultimately, having fun. 

So, what’s not to like? You get to flourish in a world separate from the outside.

So, you fancy yourself a gamer?

Are you an X-Box veteran and destroyer of worlds? Surely nothing is more exciting than getting lost in a live-action videogame. You get to earn real-life XP in something that goes beyond your screen. 

Translating your at-home experiences into something otherworldly – is there anything else more appealing in this world? Escape Rooms are a perfect platform for you to live your gaming fantasies (except for those ones!) 

What if I’m not good enough?

Surrounded by a team made up of techies, Trekkies and teachers may make you feel a bit overwhelmed. The beauty of an Escape Room is that it is tailored to suit a broad spectrum of gifts and talents. 

Escape Rooms like to play with themes, puzzles and logic. But they also aren’t out to get you or make you feel inferior. 

Playing to your strengths is a great payoff in an Escape Room. Although it may make you nervous, jumping in at the deep end may build your confidence and make you realise things about yourself in the meantime. 

In short, Escape Rooms are natural places for your competitive side to grow. If you have doubts about how good your abilities are, put them to the test. See where your next Escape Room adventure will take you!